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Crovatto & Edwards Family Dentistry

What Foods Can Help Fight Gum Disease?

January 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 4:39 am
grilled salmon

Did you know roughly half of all adults over age 30 have some form of gum disease? And even though it’s quite widespread, the condition can actually have some pretty serious consequences if not treated with gum disease (periodontal) therapy. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to mitigate gum disease and even prevent it entirely – including eating a healthy diet! Here are some foods notably capable of fighting gum disease and helping ensure your smile is in stellar condition.


5 New Year’s Resolutions for Protecting Your Smile

January 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 1:52 pm
Family holding sparklers to celebrate New Year’s

The start of a new year is a good opportunity to think carefully about the kind of care you’re giving your grin. Are you doing all you can to prevent cavities and gum disease? Or are there a few changes you could make to improve your oral health? To keep your teeth and gums safe throughout 2023, you might consider making a few smile-friendly New Year’s resolutions; here are 5 ideas to help you get started.


4 Myths About Tooth Extractions — Busted!

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 8:05 am
A dentist performing tooth extractions in Orange Park

Unlike other dental services, tooth extractions in Orange Park don’t have the best reputation. After all, they’re meant to be a last resort — it’s only natural that people would spread hushed rumors. The truth, however, is that most of these stereotypes are false! Rather than a bogeyman, tooth extraction is simply one helpful way to improve oral health. Your local dentist even has evidence for these claims. Here are four busted myths about tooth extractions and why they’re untrue.


A Closer Look at the Lifespan of Dental Fillings

December 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 6:13 pm
patient smiling before receiving dental fillings in Orange Park

When it comes to oral care, dental fillings are one of the most widely utilized and effective means of treatment. However, as fantastic as they are, they sadly aren’t meant to last forever—but what determines their lifespan and is there anything that can be done to prolong it? Your dentist has the answers you’re looking for; keep reading to learn more about how long fillings usually last in Orange Park, when they need to be replaced, and how you can assist with their longevity.


What Is That? A Quick Guide to Common Dental Instruments

November 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 2:04 am
dental instruments next to a graphic of a tooth

When you visit your dentist every six months for an exam and checkup, your dentist and their team rely on a wide variety of instruments. However, these shiny instruments are no reason to be intimidated! They assist your dentist in helping you achieve a healthy, bright smile. Familiarity with these instruments can ease your anxiety and allow you to be more relaxed during your visit. Read on to learn more about the most common dental instruments!


Don’t Let Your Fear of Judgment Keep You from Dental Care!

November 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 1:39 am
a man and his dentist forming a heart with their hands

There are many common fears that people have, like public speaking or being too high in the air. Visiting the dentist can be added to that list, too. According to a recent survey conducted by DentaVox, roughly 61% of people reported having dental fear. This can be attributed partly to not wanting to be judged because of “bad teeth” or not visiting the dentist in a long time. Here are four reasons to let go of your fears and visit your dentist for a checkup!


Keep Your Smile Safe This Halloween!

October 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 5:01 am
A decoration for Halloween in Orange Park

Halloween in Orange Park is right around the corner now, so people are gearing up for the festivities. Some might be choosing their costumes and decorations, while others are planning their trick-or-treat routes. That said, you’ll want to make oral care a part of this prep work. Otherwise, Halloween sweets could cause your teeth some severe harm. Fortunately enough, though, your local dental practice can help you out. Read on to learn four ways to keep your smile safe for All Hallows’ Eve!


Avoid a Root Canal with Preventive Coverage!

October 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 7:26 am
A dentist performing preventive dentistry in Orange Park

If you’re like most, you might fear getting a root canal. In fact, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) found that 59% of people are more afraid of root canals than public speaking. Thankfully, preventive dentistry in Orange Park is a great way to ensure you never need one! With help from your local dentist, your teeth will stay healthy enough that they don’t require a root canal. To learn more, here’s a summary of how preventive dentistry and other tips can help you sidestep this invasive treatment.


Why Does My Jaw Hurt on Just One Side?

September 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 4:42 pm
A man with jaw pain on one side

If you suddenly feel jaw pain on one side, you might fear it’s a significant issue. Perhaps you have a life-threatening illness that’s undiagnosed. However, this soreness usually isn’t a sign of a severe condition. Instead, the cause is usually more likely to be something more familiar and mundane. Still, it helps to know when a jaw problem needs urgent care. Here are some common causes of one-sided jaw pain and when to seek care for it with an emergency dentist.


What You Can Do to Beat Your Sugar Cravings

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 2:05 pm
A woman trying to resist her sugar cravings

Even in good times, preserving your oral health can be a challenge. It requires good oral hygiene practices, regular dental checkups, and more! However, things get especially tough when you suffer from sugar cravings. After all, indulging in your “sweet tooth” can seriously harm your teeth and gums. Worse yet, these cravings are hard to resist due to sugar’s addictiveness. That said, what can you do to overcome them? Well, your Orange Park dentist has a few answers. Read on to learn four things you can do to beat sugar cravings and improve oral health.

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