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Am I Too Old to Get Dental Implants?

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 3:43 am

Older woman with beautiful smileTeeth are meant to last for a lifetime, but that does not happen for many people. 1 in 5 adults over the age of 65 doesn’t have any natural teeth remaining. Whether you’ve lost a couple of teeth or an entire arch, you can enjoy the next best thing to your real teeth with dental implants. You’ll need oral surgery, which may make you wonder if you’re too old to get them. There’s no age limit for dental implants, but there are a few things you should know.


Apple Cider Vinegar: Is It Bad for Your Teeth?

June 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 6:02 pm
Bottle of apple cider vinegar with fresh apples

Many people see apple cider vinegar as an excellent home remedy that has all kinds of uses. Some say it can help relieve sunburn or treat issues like acid reflux. And when it comes to the teeth, there are even those who use it as a whitening option. But could apple cider vinegar really give you a brighter smile? Or could it actually lead to oral health problems? It’s best to learn the facts from your preventive dentist now before doing anything that could have serious consequences for your grin later.


What Does It Feel Like to Complete Your Smile with Dental Implants?

May 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 9:34 pm
a digital image of a dental implant being placed inside a mouth

Having a missing tooth or teeth impacts your life in more ways than one. Your self-confidence can begin to fade and everyday functions like eating and speaking become more difficult. However, by replacing your gapped smile with dental implants, the benefits of having a complete set of pearly whites will return to you. But what do they feel like? Read on to learn how dental implants will feel once your teeth are restored.


4 Common Summer Enjoyments That Can Damage Your Smile

May 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 6:30 pm
a woman holding two popsicles during the summer

The days are getting longer, and the weather is getting hotter. This means summer is right around the corner! It will soon be time to partake in common summer activities and fun that happen every year. However, some of these enjoyments can lead to problems with your oral health. Read on to learn about four ways they can damage your smile and how to protect your teeth and gums during the warmer months.


True or False: Chewing Gum is Good for Oral Health

April 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 10:14 pm
someone putting gum in their mouth

When you think about ways to prevent cavities, there are probably quite a few things that come to mind—brushing teeth, flossing, things like that. While all of those are important, each of them takes time out of your day.

What if there was a way to improve your oral health on the go, and enjoy a nice treat while you do? If studies are to be believed, chewing sugarless gum can do just that! If you’re curious why that is, here’s some more information that may interest you.


Watching It Go: The Most Common Causes of Gum Recession

April 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 10:07 pm
Someone Showing off their gums

Have you ever heard the phrase “long in the tooth?” It’s often used to describe someone who’s a little bit older, but the phrase actually comes from a rather common oral health problem: gum recession.

In truth, there are quite a few reasons why you might be looking a little bit “long in the tooth.” In the worst cases, this can even expose your teeth roots, which can be deeply uncomfortable.

If you’re curious, here are some of the most common causes of gum recession, and what can be done about them.


5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Smile

March 30, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 4:56 pm
person spring cleaning their smile by flossing their teeth

Spring is a time for renewal and growth, and that includes your smile. Just as you’re decluttering your home and getting ready for warmer weather, it’s a good time to give your teeth a little spring cleaning. Continue reading on to learn about five ways that you can do some spring cleaning for your beam to promote a healthy, happy smile.


5 Traits of a Beautiful Smile

March 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 12:56 am
person with nice smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry

A beautiful smile is a powerful thing. It can make you look more friendly, confident, capable, and approachable. It can also help you succeed in your career and can be beneficial in building positive connections with others and having a successful dating life. If you’re looking to improve your smile, continue reading to learn about five traits that you should strive for.


Kissing & Dentures: Pucker up!

February 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 4:10 am
two older people kissing while on a date

Confidence is an important factor for many things in life, including dating! Having a restored smile with dentures can allow you to freely smile and interact with someone you are interested in. However, you may have some worries about how your prosthetic will affect becoming physically closer to that special someone. Read on to learn some helpful tips for your dating life and kissing while wearing dentures.


The Connection Between Your Smile & Your Heart

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 12:28 am
a woman smiling and forming a heart with her hands

February is not just a celebration of the love you have in your life, but your literal heart! It is American Heart Month, which means there is no better time to pay special attention to one of the most important organs of your body. Since heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, you will want to do everything you can to care for it. But did you realize that heart health is not just about watching what you eat and exercising? Your oral health can directly impact it as well. Here’s how the state of your mouth and your heart are connected.

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