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The Process of a Dental Implant Consultation

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — crovatto @ 5:11 pm
Dentist reviewing dental scan with smiling patient

It was hard enough to wrap your head around this whole dental implant thing. Now you’ve come to find out there are even more moving parts! What’s this consultation you’ll be having with your dentist? What exactly will you be expected to do?

Don’t worry. A dental implant consultation isn’t at all like a job interview – it’s strictly for your benefit. Just keep reading. We’ll walk you through the process.

Discussing Your Dental Implant Goals

After general pleasantries, your dentist will walk you back to a private room. This is where you’ll outline your expectations. Where do you need the implants to be placed? Are you looking for a full replacement, or partials? What do you need your implants to be able to do? In other words, you’ll be telling your dentist what you’re hoping to achieve with your treatment and why you want dental implants.

In response, your dentist will likely review the benefits of dental implants. This gives them a chance to go into more detail about aspects that could be relevant to your goals. It also gives you a chance to ask clarifying questions. Ultimately, the point of this back and forth is to make sure you and your dentist are on the same page.

Evaluating Your Current Oral Health

Dental implants rely on jawbone mass to be successful. So your dentist will want to thoroughly examine your mouth to make sure you’re a good candidate for the treatment. This will likely involve a CT scan and X-ray, but they’ll also want to know about any past dental conditions and current medications. These factors could influence your treatment plan, so it’s important to be honest!

Comparing Notes and Planning Your Treatment

After getting a better sense of your oral situation, your dentist will have a pretty good idea what will need to be done next. They’ll share their findings with you and make treatment recommendations. Depending on the results of your scans, this part of the process could be straightforward or a little more complex.

Either way, don’t be afraid to ask questions. This is where you’ll coordinate with your dentist to build a plan and schedule that works best for you, so if you feel uncertain about something, be sure to let your dentist know!

And that’s the gist of it. Pretty simple, huh? All a consultation means is that you and your dentist are meeting to discuss the finer details of your dental implant treatment. Preparing a list of questions and concerns would be helpful, but other than that you don’t have to do much leading up to this appointment. It’s all about you and your dental implants!

About the Practice

Drs. Steven Crovatto and Megan Edwards are a top-notch team here at Crovatto & Edwards Family Dentistry! Between the two of them, they can answer any questions you might have about your dental implant treatment. Thanks to their friendly nature and expert care, you’ll feel right at home during your consultation. To contact their office, call 904-272-0800.

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